Leadership and Decision Making



*This credential is only available to current RMIT students

Learn about the connection between decision making and effective leadership. Learn how to make great leadership decisions that get results and consider the best interests of everyone involved.

In this credential, you'll acquire the tools you need to deal with complex decisions and ethical dilemmas in the workplace. You'll also learn how to understand the role of ethics in the decision-making process.

Decision Making for Effective Leadership includes content from Australia Industry Group, Telstra and Ernst and Young and looks at the importance of decision making in the contemporary workplace. This credential is seen by the industry as current and reflective of industry standards and practices.

Skills and learning outcomes

  • Recognise and acknowledge the connection between decision making and effective leadership
  • Examine the complexities associated with ethical dilemmas and use a decision making tool to make an ethical decision
  • Identify strategies that can help come to a consensus within a group or team
  • Utilise a problem solving tool to work through a complex problem


Module 1: Introduction to decision making

Module 2: Making complex decisions

Module 3: Making ethical decisions

Module 4: Making decisions in a group

How does it work ?

Successful completion of this badge will require you to:

  • Complete a step by step decision making process activity
  • Determine and evaluate responses to ethical dilemmas
  • Evaluate baseline decision making skills
  • Submit a reflective piece which reviews, evaluates, and revises a previously made decision.

When can I do it ?


It is recommended that you register in Becoming a Leader Credential prior to undertaking this Credential.